Saturday, 13 February 2010

Section Drawings_ Swimming Man

I drawed sections for my proposal of Lea Valley Wastelands Project. The sculpture will be affected by tides of the river. and this section drawing is showing different shapes of the sculpture depending on different water levels.

Model making_ Flying Whale

This model was made to realise how the structure will be look like and how it will work. The project was Utilising King’s Cross’ spaces in waiting. and I suggest a temorary huge balloon sculpture.

The tethered balloon Whale will use an innovative lighting system to provide real-time reports on atmospheric pollution. The balloon will display the quantity of the dust found in the atmosphere, using an easy-to-understand colour coding – red for highly polluted air, orange for polluted, yellow for moderate, light green for clean and green for very clean during the period of King’s Cross redevelopment.